Top Dissertation Writing Tips With Credible Sources

law dissertation writing service UK

Whether you are an undergraduate student looking for a university dissertation or a postgraduate student, the importance of high-quality dissertations and credible sources cannot be underestimated. When writing your thesis, you need to know how to find the best source material from both online resources and offline libraries. As a beginner academic writer, you may be wondering what is considered scholarly online material – this article will help you find out! Also, if you are struggling with a dissertation that takes more time than the others, for example, a law dissertation, you can surely reach out to law dissertation writing service UK.

Get Yourself Organized Before Even Starting

Your dissertation is a representation of you, so it’s important to make sure that what you write reflects who you are. To do this, there are a few things that every aspiring student needs to keep in mind before they even think about writing their dissertation:

  • Make sure you have a good idea of the topic you are going to write on. This will help narrow down your search for credible sources and ensure that everything fits together seamlessly.
  • Make sure that the topic is something that interests and inspires you enough so that writing about it doesn’t feel like an effort or burden; it should be something that gets your heart pumping!
  • Think about how each section fits into this big picture—what does each part contribute towards achieving your goal? How does each source help with answering these questions?

Start as Early as You Can!

The sooner you start, the better. This is especially true for those of us who procrastinate. Creating early allows you to check in with your supervisor and get feedback from other members of your research team. If you wait until the last minute, they may not be able to provide as much assistance because they have deadlines as well!

As a student on a tight schedule, having an extra few months to work on your dissertation will make a big difference in terms of its quality and quantity. It can also help alleviate stress during exams or thesis defense season—which will help everyone involved!

The Hardest Part of Writing a Dissertation Is Getting Started

If you’re a college student and you need help with writing your dissertation, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got tips on getting started, choosing credible sources and citing them properly, structuring your dissertation (including our favorite format), as well as writing it.

The first thing that most students do when they start working on a research paper or dissertation is read everything they possibly can about the subject matter. That way, they have an idea of what’s already out there about their topic and where there may be research gaps that could benefit from further exploration.

This is what we call “background reading.” You’ll want to take notes while doing this background reading so that later on when it’s time for actual writing, you’ll have some ideas about where to start (and how much). Also, if you still have some confusion, consider looking out for a sample law dissertation.

Learn How to Start Your Own Research Library

Our first piece of advice is to start building a research library. You will have to read a lot of articles and papers and that means you need to know how to collect them, organize them, keep track of them and find the most relevant ones.

There are many ways in which you can do this: keep your folders for each project; use an app like Read Mill, Zotero, or Mendeley; create bookmarks on your browser or use document management software such as Evernote (the last option is really useful when it comes time for writing).

Select an Expert in The Field Who Can Be Your Guide.

It is always beneficial to find a mentor who can guide you through the process of dissertation writing. A good mentor should know about your topic and help you in brainstorming ideas on how to approach it. They should also be able to assist with the research, writing, and editing phases of your project. The best mentors are those who have done similar projects in the past and can share their experience with you so that you don’t make mistakes that they once made.

To choose an expert for your dissertation project, look at their qualifications and experience first before contacting them for assistance or advice on how best to proceed with your paper

Carry Out Adequate Research About the Topic

Remember that your dissertation is supposed to be a unique piece of scholarship. So it should not be a regurgitation of what others have already said. At the same time, it’s always good to know about things that have been studied before so you can avoid repeating them.

Think about what kind of research you want to do. And then look for books on topics related to your topic. For example, if you are interested in working with homeless people and how they cope with living on the streets, then read up on homelessness in general first. If your topic is interpersonal violence between couples or parents towards their children, take some time off from reading academic articles and read some fiction books instead (or watch movies).

Dissertations Are Based On Facts Rather Than Opinions.

Do not, under any circumstances, use your own opinions. Instead, always go for the facts. The more facts you have to back up your argument, the better it will be. For example, if you want to show that a particular policy does not work well in practice and there are several examples of this happening elsewhere in the world, then using those examples as evidence would greatly strengthen your dissertation proposal or thesis statement.

Choose Sources That Present Information

Your topic may be very important to you. But remember that it is not about opinions (passion) but about studying and analyzing facts. Therefore, choose sources that present information rather than emotions. Emotions are not facts, so if your source presents an emotional argument, be careful how much weight you give it in your writing. Since law research requires facts and figures, it is essential to choose sources solely from the information provided.

Find High-Quality Resources That You Can Cite

When looking for sources for your dissertation, it is important to find high-quality resources. So that you can cite and add to your work, citing credible sources will help make your dissertation more valid and credible.

When you’re searching for resources, check if a source is credible by looking at its:

  • Author(s)
  • Publication date (how current is the information?)
  • Publisher (is there an affiliation with a university?)

Ensure Credibility at All Costs

When searching for data and statistics, make sure the source is credible. See whether it comes under a reputable organization/government authority or not. Or have the experts in the specific field of study or research area that you are interested in invalidating it?

  • A good place to start is with the World Health Organization (WHO). It provides information on health issues and trends around the world.

Other credible sources include:

  • [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)] (, which collects data on economic growth, employment rates, and other social issues across many countries worldwide;
  • [United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO)] (https://www.unesco) because they collect statistics on education levels in different regions around the world;

URLs Tell a Lot – Check Them Out Too

When looking at websites, check if they are high quality. One way to do this is by checking their URL extension (. Edu and. Gov tend to be good quality URLs). However, don’t just use these two extensions – there will be many other high-quality websites with different URL extensions. As a rule, websites with university or government extensions (. Edu, Gov) tend to be high quality. However, many other high-quality websites don’t have these extensions.

Here’s what you need to know:
  • A website’s URL extension is the last part of its address (for example, The extension helps search engines and browsers identify the type of website it is. Whether it’s a blog or news outlet; educational institution or government body; commercial organization, etc. For example, if you want to find out about climate change research at Oxford University then you can type ‘climate change’ into Google and add ‘ at the end of your search query. This will take you straight through to Oxford’s departmental pages (

Closing Note

Writing a dissertation is not as convenient as you think. But, our team has got your back. We hope you found these tips useful! If you have any questions about your dissertation or any other academic assignment help, feel free to go for a Dissertation writer UK. We have a whole team of professionals who are here to help.

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